In the 1930s, there was a Cleveland dentist named Weston A. Price who traveled to isolated parts of the earth to study the health of peoples untouched by western civilization. His goal was to figure out what factors were responsible for their excellent dental health. His...
OMG! Ghee in the Instant Pot? Yes!
In case you didn't already know, your Instant Pot can also be used as a Slow Cooker! Some slow cookers with ceramic dishes have been found to have lead in the surface that touches the food. Yikes! But the Instant Pot has a...
The total amount of Omega 6 oils in the standard Western diet is way too high. Humans need a balance of Omega 3, 6, and 9s and because of processed vegetable oils, we are getting way too many Omega 6 oils and not enough Omega 3s or 9s.
Elevated Omega-6 intakes are associated with an...
Trying to switch from a gluten-free diet to a grain-free diet can seem impossible! What the heck will you eat?
If you've still been eating gluten-free breads, gluten-free baking mixes, and package gluten-free cookies and crackers, it can seem like an insurmountable task to remove those from...
Today is day 2 of my daily Inspirations. I hope you're enjoying them. One of the things I really enjoy is zoning out and researching how I can live a better life of make my son's life better. I listen to audio books, read websites, listen/talk in Facebook groups, and chat with friends about...
Omg, have you ever tried water kefir? If you're new to fermented foods, it's the first place to start. SO easy and so tasty. The greatest thing about this yummy bubbly soda is that it doesn't taste fermented. Even my husband likes it, and that's saying something! I have tried...
These are slightly sweet, chewy and delicious. Don't be scared away by the gelatin protein powder. I am usually turned off by the flavor of the natural gelatin, but I can't taste it in these AT ALL! I had two big pieces of these bars with some bacon for breakfast this morning!...