How to Go From Gluten-Free to Completely GRAIN-free

Trying to switch from a gluten-free diet to a grain-free diet can seem impossible! What the heck will you eat?
If you've still been eating gluten-free breads, gluten-free baking mixes, and package gluten-free cookies and crackers, it can seem like an insurmountable task to remove those from your diet. But it really isn't and it can be fun. The key is to have and use the right tools, and to get and accept support when you're feeling like you can't do it. Even by reaching out and looking for answers here, you're on the right track!
Here are the tools I used when I first started eating completely grain-free, and I actually still use!
(Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may receive monetary compensation if you click through them and purchase from their site. Thank you for supporting my mission by using my links! By shopping through my links, you help me keep this site up and running!)
(My all-time favorites, used daily)
Against All Grain: Meals Made Simple is my favorite book for grain-free, dairy-free meals that my family likes to eat. Her paleo wraps are amazing replacements for bread, and her blueberry muffins are irresistible. It's got simple recipes for almond milk and things like that, too.
Against All Grain is my second favorite book , by the same author Danielle Walker. This is her original book and the recipes in it are also go-tos for us. I also love the paper the books are printed on, and the photos are really inspiring.
Nom Nom Paleo is full of flavorful, delicious recipes, and the photos and layout are mouthwatering. I love every recipe I've cooked from it, and my son loves to peruse the pages and pick what's for dinner. My favorite recipe from this one today is Vietnamese Lettuce Cups. They're lettuce wraps with a pork filling topped with quick-pickled carrot strings, and OMG my mouth is watering for them right now, even though it's 7am! I guess I know what's for dinner.
Both authors from above have fantastic websites with different recipes than what's in their books. I go to them regularly. I also love Mark Sisson's website for inspiration and different recipes.
Nom Nom Paleo Website
Against All Grain Website
Mark's Daily Apple
MEAL PLANNING with RealPlans
Last but not least, my FAVORITE meal planning site. Real Plans. The best features about this site over others I've tried is that:
- you can import your own favorite recipes from other sites, and have Real Plans automatically populate a weekly (or even monthly) meal plan with 3 meals a day for you
- You can omit whichever ingredients you choose
- You can see see pictures of each meal in your meal plan for the week
- You can also add on recipes from the popular bloggers, including Whole30, and even NomNomPaleo from above!
- Then you take their app to the store and shop with the custom grocery list for everything you need for the week.
- I spend a lot less on food and waste a lot less food. It has made grain-free life SO much easier for us.
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